Number | Pool | Workername | Hashrate (5m, Giga) | Hashrate (7d, Giga) | Last Share | Shares | Percent | Best Share | Best Ever | Device Type |
118 | USA | willi9974_8 | 0 | 27 | 2025-02-06 10:26:17 | 20.000 | 0,00% | 18.679 | 18.679 | Braiins Mini Miner BMM101 |
214 | EU | willi9974_6 | 0 | 692 | 2025-02-08 21:50:20 | 287.611.911 | 0,02% | 160.326.345 | 160.326.344 | Avalon Nano 3 |
215 | EU | willi9974_7 | 0 | 697 | 2025-02-08 21:51:42 | 290.629.335 | 0,02% | 682.526.950 | 682.526.950 | Avalon Nano 3 |
221 | EU | willi9974_5 | 420 | 336 | 2025-02-13 03:32:51 | 91.249.183 | 0,00% | 58.702.793 | 58.702.793 | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 |
222 | EU | willi9974_4 | 681 | 526 | 2025-02-13 03:32:53 | 144.886.491 | 0,01% | 2.529.148.445 | 2.529.148.445 | Bitaxe SUPRA BM1368 |
223 | EU | willi9974_2 | 373 | 310 | 2025-02-13 03:32:54 | 85.065.124 | 0,00% | 559.387.633 | 559.387.633 | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 |
224 | EU | willi9974_1 | 417 | 340 | 2025-02-13 03:32:58 | 93.560.697 | 0,00% | 440.141.105 | 440.141.104 | Bitaxe ULTRA BM1366 |
225 | EU | willi9974_3 | 670 | 499 | 2025-02-13 03:32:54 | 137.528.212 | 0,01% | 169.930.277 | 169.930.277 | Bitaxe SUPRA BM1368 |
268 | EU | willi9974_8 | 1.050 | 634 | 2025-02-13 03:32:57 | 138.600.797 | 0,01% | 335.414.946 | 335.414.946 | Braiins Mini Miner BMM101 |
Hashrate all worker: 225,860 G
Actual bitcoin difficulty: 114,167,270,716,410
Sum of all shares (including inactive miner / BTC Diff): 1,887,282,859,786 / 114,167,270,716,410
Our Luck: 1.6531%
Number of worker with active hashrate >= 200G in 5m: 231
Number of worker for payout with hashrate >= 200G in 5m and 7d: 222
Current BTC block: 883511
Blocktime: 2025-02-13 03:21:43
Days until the next halving: 1157
BTC price in Euro: € 93855
BTC price in Dollar: $ N/A
Possible coinbase reward without fees as bonus for block finder (10% from 3,125 BTC): 0.3125 BTC 29.329,69 Euro N/A
Possible coinbase reward per worker with "hashrate5m" and "hashrate7d" more than 200 Giga (2,8125 BTC) / number payout worker: 0.0127 BTC 1.189 Euro